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1: System

Error codes

error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
0 Successful system.success 成功
200 OK system.success 成功
403 Unauthorized system.exception 未授权
404 Not found system.exception 无法找到资源
100001 Internal error system.common 内部错误
100002 Unknown error system.common 未知错误
100003 Database error system.common 数据库错误
100004 Validation failed system.common 验证失败
100005 Mail sending failed system.common 邮件发送失败
100006 Invalid parameter system.common 无效参数

2: API

2.0 API Common

error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
200001 POST method required api.common POST方法提交
200002 Invalid captcha api.common 无效验证码

2.1 Oauth

2.1.1 authorize

OAuth2.0 authorize api

用法: 获取authorization code
Usage: Get authorization code

url: /api/Oauth/authorize

method: GET

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
response_type string true json OR code
client_id string true 申请应用时分配的AppKey
redirect_uri string true 授权回调地址,站外应用需与设置的回调地址一致,站内应用需填写canvas page的地址
scope string false 申请scope权限所需参数,可一次申请多个scope权限,用逗号分隔
state string false 用于保持请求和回调的状态,在回调时,会在Query Parameter中回传该参数。开发者可以用这个参数验证请求有效性,也可以记录用户请求授权页前的位置。这个参数可用于防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF)攻击
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
201101 The redirect_uri and client_id are required api.Oauth.authorize 参数redirect_uri和client_id不可为空
201102 Invalid response_type api.Oauth.authorize 参数response_type无效
201103 Invalid clientid api.Oauth.authorize 参数clientid无效
201104 The redirect_uri and client_id are not matched api.Oauth.authorize 参数redirect_uri和client_id不匹配
201105 The authorization code required api.Oauth.authorize 授权码不可为空




authorization_code (string): 用于提交到access_token接口的code

2.1.2 access token

用法: 获取access_token

######Usage: Get the access_token

url: /api/Oauth/accessToken

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
client_id string true 申请应用时分配的AppKey
client_secret string true 申请应用时分配的AppSecret
grant_type string true 请求的类型,填写authorization_code/refresh_token/password
redirect_uri string true 回调地址,需需与注册应用里的回调地址一致
code string false grant_type为authorization_code时,调用/apis/Oauth/authorize获得的code值
refresh_token string false grant_type为refresh_token时,通过授权得到的refhresh_token刷新access_token
username string false grant_type为password时,系统用户名
password string false grant_type为password时,系统密码
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
201201 Invalid access_token api.Oauth.accessToken 参数access_token无效
201202 The access_token is required api.Oauth.accessToken 参数access_token不可为空
201203 The access_token expires or does not exist api.Oauth.accessToken 参数access_token过期或不存在
201204 The API requests out of rate limit api.Oauth.accessToken 接口请求超限
201205 The client_id, client_secret, grant_type, redirect_uri are not matched api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_id, client_secret, grant_type, redirect_uri不匹配
201206 The API permission denied api.Oauth.accessToken 无权访问该接口
201207 Cache access_token failed api.Oauth.accessToken 缓存access_token失败
201208 The client_id and client_secret are not matched api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_id和client_secret不匹配
201209 Invalid refresh_token api.Oauth.accessToken 参数refresh_token无效
201210 The client_id is required api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_id不可为空
201211 The client_secret is required api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_secret不可为空
201212 The username and password are required api.Oauth.accessToken 用户名和密码不可为空
201213 Invalid client_id api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_id无效
201214 The client_id and username are not matched api.Oauth.accessToken 参数client_id和用户名不匹配
201215 Invalid authorization code api.Oauth.accessToken 授权码无效
201216 Invalid grant_type api.Oauth.accessToken 参数grant_type无效
 {"error_code":0,"api_uri":"URI","access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN","refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN","expires_in": 1234,"remind_in":3600,"uid":12341234}

access_token (string): 用户授权的唯一票据,用于调用开放接口,同时也是第三方应用验证用户登录的唯一票据,第三方应用应该用该票据和自己应用内的用户建立唯一影射关系,来识别登录状态,不能使用本返回值里的UID字段来做登录识别。

refresh_token (string): grant_type为refresh_token时可通过refresh_token获得access_token。

expires_in (int): access_token的生命周期,单位是秒数。

2.1.3 access token delete

用法: 删除输入的access_token
Usage: Delete the access_token

url: /api/Oauth/delete

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
access_token string true  
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
201301 Failed to delete access_token api.Oauth.delete 删除access_token失败

2.1.4 access token revoke

用法: 撤销输入的access_token
Usage: Revoke the access_token

url: /api/Oauth/revoke

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
access_token string true  
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
201401 Failed to revoke access_token api.Oauth.revoke  

2.2 User

2.2.0 User common

Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202001 The account does not exist api.User.common 账户不存在
202002 The username already exists api.User.common 该账户已存在
202003 The email already exists api.User.common 该邮件地址已存在
202004 The phone number already exists api.User.common 该电话号码已存在
202005 The Nick name already exists api.User.common 该昵称已存在
202006 Invalid verification code api.User.common 验证码无效
202007 The sending interval of verification code is %d seconds api.User.common 发送间隔为%d秒
202008 Failed to send verification code api.User.common 发送验证码失败
202009 Invalid communication method api.User.common 无效的通讯方式

2.2.1 User login

用法: 用户登录
Usage: User login

url: /api/User/login

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
username string true 用户名
password string true 密码
captcha string true /api/Image/captcha 接口产生的验证码
remember boolean false 是否永久登录
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202101 Not logged in yet api.User.login 尚未登录
202102 Username and password are required api.User.login 用户名密码不可为空
202103 Incorrect password api.User.login 密码错误

2.2.2 User register

用法: 用户注册
Usage: User register

url: /api/User/register

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
username string true 用户名
password string true 密码
email string true 邮箱
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202202 Failed to register api.User.register 注册失败

2.2.3 User settings Set avatar
用法: 已经登录的用户设置头像
Usage: Set logged avatar

url: /api/User/setAvatar

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
avatar file true 头像
action string false list/delete/active

The image format must be jpg or png (图片格式应该是jpg或png); File requirements are image types (文件类型应该是图片); The image background should be white (图像背景应该是白色); The file size should be between 40KB and 2MB (文件应该在40KB到2MB之间); The image width should between 412 pixels and 600 pixels (图像宽在:412 - 600像素之间); The image height should between 578 pixels and 800 pixels (图像高在:412 - 600像素之间); Set user basic information
用法: 登录用户修改基本信息
Usage: Modify basic information of logged user

url: /api/User/modifyBasicInfo

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
newpassword string false 新密码
confirm string relevance 新密码确认,输入密码则为必填
nickname string false 昵称
email string false email
phone string false phone
captcha string true /api/Image/captcha 接口产生的验证码
 {"error_code":0,"api_uri":"URI"} Set user detail information
用法: 登录用户修改详细信息
Usage: Modify details of logged user

url: /api/User/modifyDetailInfo

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
realname string false 真实姓名
idcard string false 身份证号
address string false 地址
gender string false 性别
nation string false 民族
postalcode string false 邮编
departmentcode string false 部门编号
majorcode string false 专业编号
leader string false 领导姓名
 {"error_code":0,"api_uri":"URI"} Set sns unbind
用法: 解绑社会化登录
Usage: Unbind SNS accounts

url: /api/User/unbind

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
channel string false 社会化登录的频道名称,如weibo,qq
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
100004 Validation failed system.common 上传验证失败(原因)
202301 Fail to upload avatar api.User.setting 头像更新失败
202302 Fail to unbind SNS account api.User.setting 解绑社交网络账号失败
202303 Failed to update user information api.User.setting 更新用户信息失败
202304 The old and new passwords are the same api.User.setting 新旧密码相同
202305 New and confirmed passwords are not the same api.User.setting 新密码与确认密码不一致

2.2.4 User SNS register

用法: 用户通过社会化账号注册. 如果type=reg 注册一个新的用户,如果type=log绑定已存在的uid
Usage: Register a uid to bind the SNS account. if type=reg register a new user else if type=log bind a exist uid

url: /api/User/snsreg

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
username string true 用户名
password string true 密码
confirm string true 确认密码
email string true 邮箱
type string true reg/log

2.2.5 Validate unique username

用法: 验证输入的用户名是否存在
Usage: Validate the unique username

url: /api/User/validateUniqueUsername

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
response_type string true json OR code
username string true 用户名
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202002 The username already registered api.User.common 用户名已存在

2.2.6 Validate unique email

用法: 验证输入的邮箱是否存在
Usage: Validate the unique email

url: /api/User/validateUniqueEmail

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
email string true email
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202003 The email already exists api.User.common  

2.2.7 Send email or mobile verification code

用法: 向邮件或手机发送验证码
Usage: Send the code to a phone or an email

url: /api/User/sendcode

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
medium string false 邮箱或手机号码
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202007 The sending interval of verification code is %d seconds api.User.common 发送间隔为%d秒
202101 Not logged in yet api.User.login 尚未登录

2.2.8 Validate communication code

用法: 验证通过邮件或手机收到的验证码
Usage: Validate the code received

url: /api/User/validateCommunicationCode

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
code int true 邮箱或手机验证码
medium string false 邮箱或手机号码

2.2.9 User messages

用法: 获取用户站内短信
Usage: Get a user’s messages

If id=null list all the messages else read the message of the id

url: /api/User/message

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
id int false 消息id

2.2.10 User avatar

用法: 第三方获取不同尺寸的用户头像
Usage: Get user’s avatar in different sizes

url: /api/User/avatar

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
access_token string true  
uid/username int/string true uid OR usernmae
size int true 420: 420 * 560, 413: 413 * 579



###### Error codes

error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
202401 The ID have no avatars api.User.avatar 该ID无头像

2.2.11 User uid

用法: 通过用户名获取用户uid
Usage: Get user’s uid by username

url: /api/User/uid

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
access_token string true  
username string true  

2.2.12 User avatar upload api

用法: 第三方通过uid上传头像
Usage: Upload user’s avatar in the third app

url: /api/User/avatarUpload

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
access_token string true  
uid/username int/string true uid OR usernmae
avatar file true 头像
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
100004 Validation failed system.common 上传验证失败(原因)
202301 Fail to upload avatar api.User.setting 上传头像失败

The image format must be jpg or png (图片格式应该是jpg或png); File requirements are image types (文件类型应该是图片); The image background should be white (图像背景应该是白色); The file size should be between 40KB and 2MB (文件应该在40KB到2MB之间); The image width should between 412 pixels and 600 pixels (图像宽在:412 - 600像素之间); The image height should between 578 pixels and 800 pixels (图像高在:412 - 600像素之间);

2.3 Calendar

2.3.1 Calendar events

用法: 获取登录用户待办事宜
Usage: Get logged user’s to-do events
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
203101 No to-do events 无代办事宜

2.3.2 Calendar add event

用法: 登录用户添加待办事宜
Usage: Logged user add to-do events
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
203201 Fail to add a event api.Calendar.add 添加代办事项失败

2.3.3 Calendar update event

error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
203301 Event id not specified api.Calendar.update 未指定代办事项id

2.4 Intercourse

2.4.1 Friends List friends
用法: 通过登录uid获取用户列表
Usage: Get friends of logged uid

url: /api/User/friends

method: POST Make a friend
用法: 向指定uid发出好友申请
Usage: Become friend to the uid input

url: /api/User/friendmake

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
fid int true 朋友id Delete a friend
用法: 删除指定uid的好友
Usage: Remove friend to the uid input

url: /api/User/frienddel

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
fid int true 朋友id Friends recommend
用法: 推荐好友
Usage: Recommend friends for logged user

url: /api/User/friendsrecommend

method: POST

Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
204101 No friends found api.Intercourse.friend  
204102 Failed to make friends api.Intercourse.friend  
204103 Failed to delete a friend api.Intercourse.friend  
204104 Failed to notify your friend api.Intercourse.friend  

2.5 Content management

2.6 Image

2.6.1 Captcha

用法: 获取图片验证码
Usage: Get a captcha

url: /api/Image/captcha

method: GET/POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
type string false png/jpg/bmp
id string false Captcha id for different scenarios

2.6.2 Captcha verify

用法: 图像验证码验证
Usage: Validate a captcha

url: /api/Image/captchaVerify

method: GET/POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
captcha string false 验证码
id string false 不同id下的验证码
flush string false 默认值为yes,表示刷新后不重置,用于ajax接口
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
200002 Captcha verification failed api.common 验证失败

2.6.3 Encrypt a picture

用法: 加密图像
Usage: Encrypt a picture

url: /api/Image/chaos

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
image string(base64) true 图像的base64编码
password int(6) false 密码
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
206001 Invalid input image api.image.common 图像无效

2.6.4 Decrypt a picture

用法: 通过密码解密图像
Usage: Decrypt a picture by password

url: /api/Image/order

method: POST

Parameter Type REQUIRED Remarks
image string(base64) true 图像的base64编码
password int(6) true 密码
Error codes
error_code (int) Message(string) URI Remarks
206001 Invalid input image api.image.common 图像无效

Theme Options

Layout Style

Color Schemes

Bg Patterns (for boxed)

Bg Images (for boxed)